A year ago, we unveiled the “What Were You Wearing?” clothing exhibit, featuring outfits from 13 sexual assault survivors from plain-dressing backgrounds. Today, we’d like to share the video version of this display. Trigger warning that this may be disturbing/triggering for discussion of sexual abuse. Photography by Daniel Horst Photography
Tag: Child Abuse
What DO you think child sexual abuse really means? Do you actually let your mind process the shock, the horror, the pain, and the damages to the body, mind and soul that there can be in a child victim?
The purpose of the Clothing Project is not to discourage modesty or to belittle those who choose to dress conservatively. The Clothing Project graphically and viscerally demonstrates that modesty does not protect people from sexual assault.
Let’s do our children a real favor, and be accurate in our teaching–not take an “easy shortcut” that leads to long-term harm.
Hope Anne Dueck joined with several other members of the cast of Sins of the Amish to discuss the show and next steps going forward. Watch the discussion below! Sins of the Amish is streaming through Peacock TV.
“Sins of the Amish” Now Streaming
The series follows the stories of several survivors as they attempt to find justice and healing. It shows the obstacles they face and the opposition they encounter, not only from their perpetrators and the justice system, but also their own communities, friends, and relatives.
A few fun facts about “Sins of the Amish” and my role in it.
A Better Way is committed to continuing to partner with Safe Communities and our speakers to bring much needed awareness and information to Lancaster County.
Come and get training from professionals on identifying and reporting abuse and making our homes, churches, and communities safe places. Learn ways to teach and empower children, how to respond wisely in the event of possible abuse, topics of special interest to survivors, and much more.
On Saturday, March 4, Hope Anne Dueck, along Mary Byler and Ruth Ann Brubaker, attended the Amish Abuse Awareness Conference in Middlefield, OH.