There is at least one unlicensed “therapist” whose counsel to individuals who become involved in sexual sin is to confess the graphic details of their sins to him. This is NOT simply confessing whether the act was reading porn novels, or viewing porn, or engaging in extramarital sex. This goes beyond confessing the length of time involved and the level of deception.
He is asking for details such as positions, types of sex, frequency of occurrence, and more. He claims this level of detail is necessary for them to give him, so that these sins can be “taken to the cross”. He tells them this is how they will find freedom and forgiveness from God.
This alarms us for a variety of reasons. We have reached out to a multitude of professionals, including pastors from a variety of denominations, Christian counselors, and even law enforcement to formulate a “Best Practice Response” for our readers.
We are currently especially concerned about those with ties to the “plain” community (Mennonite, Amish etc.) who may come into contact with false teaching like this, but this warning applies to anyone of any denomination.
We will eventually post a more complete “Best Practice” Statement on the theological and ethical aspects of this. For now, please know that no matter how low you feel about what you’ve done, nobody should use your story for sexual gratification. You do NOT need to relive every detail in order to successfully turn from your sin and find forgiveness.
Also: this is why education and licensing matter in counseling. This unlicensed “Christian” “counselor” is behaving in a highly unethical, and thus destructive, manner. It is the opinion of those we consulted with that this is a form of spiritual abuse.
Go to licensed therapists, and if something sits wrong in your gut, reach out to someone who can give you an outside perspective.
If you have questions or concerns, or were a victim of “counseling” like this, please reach out to A Better Way for support.