Supporting Victims

What Do You Think Child Sexual Abuse Actually Means?

What DO you think child sexual abuse really means? Do you actually let your mind process the shock, the horror, the pain, and the damages to the body, mind and soul that there can be in a child victim?

Protecting Children

Nuance Matters for Best Practice!

Let’s do our children a real favor, and be accurate in our teaching–not take an “easy shortcut” that leads to long-term harm.

Reporting Abuse Supporting Victims

Exciting New Resources!

We are thrilled to be able to offer two new resources for education on sexual abuse, especially geared toward Amish and Plain communities.

Supporting Victims

Is it Verbal Porn?

You do not need specific and/or graphic details to support a survivor. It is, in fact, extremely harmful to the survivor and could even indicate something very toxic about you. Some professionals refer to it as “verbal porn”.

Supporting Victims

Truth and Advocacy

As good, ethical advocates, we must ALWAYS stick to the truth, and we must encourage our clients to stick to the truth. It’s OK, if a client does not remember something specific, for them to simply say, “I do not remember.”

Supporting Victims

When You Find Out About a Survivor

Watch your tongue and mind your typing or texting fingers.

Child Safety

Don’t Move the Children

Don’t fall prey to people who assume that children will be better off shipped out of the home. Even if a parent is abusive, that parent needs to be the one who goes, not the child.

Protecting Children

Yell and Tell: The Right Way to Train Kids?

Do we as adults ALWAYS know or remember exactly what to do right on the spur of the moment when faced with something scary and overwhelming? No. We do not.

Personal Accounts

God, Who Are You?

God, who are you? Are you the God of my father Who beats me, laughs at me? Are you the god who touches little girls In wrong places? Are you the God that is so rigid, So cold, so harsh? I stand here confused Wondering who you are, I watch people that say they know you Are you that type of God that holds people At arms length? That tells people to be silent? Who…